2024 Fleece Auction Recap

2024 Fleece Auction Recap

The fleece auction is a significant milestone here on the farm - from April thru June we are busy harvesting, cataloging and making our soft shetland fleeces available for hand spinners to enjoy.


Shearing Day - I am feeding the sheep thru handling system


I just loaded a video on my Youtube channel which shares what it is like here after the auction - getting the paperwork ready for shipping, packaging and shipping the fleeces all over the country.
Please check out my video on my YouTube Channel!

Here are a few statistics I thought you might find interesting: We harvested 66 fleeces this year - 41 roo'd and 25 sheared
Cheerfully Rooing a Sheep
5 will be made into 1 oz packets from Tye, Lucretia, Carrie, O'Brien and Mimi 2 will be processed by me - Ofeibea and Elara 5 went into the Combed Top pool - Sebastian, Duncan, Harry, English Garden (our senior ewe at 13 years) and Salome (Sheared terrible) 1 was sold at full price as compensation to a farm helper - Hermoine 53 were sold in the auction 63 fleeces were from ewes, 3 from rams 53 fleeces in auction - 38 were roo'd, 15 were sheared
Barbarina's parted fleece photo - I roo'd her 19.1 micron fleece

43 sold in the auction, 10 were made available on website after auction closed (one left at the writing of this post) 24 people bought fleeces in the auction

Our Soft Shetland Fleeces are sprinkled all over the USA!

80 lbs of wool was sold in the auction Color mix for auction fleeces: Black - 7 Fawn - 12 Grey - 19 Moorit - 8 White - 8

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