Extra Fine Mini Combs - New from Majacraft!
Extra Fine Mini Combs for 14-18 micron Fiber processing
Majacraft has released these new combs for processing ultra fine fibers like Cria Alpaca, silk, and ultra fine lambswool.
Click here to view the listing for the Extra Fine Mini Combs
And click here to view the listing for the Extra Fine Mini Comb System
They are made from the same materials as the standard mini-combs and are the same size. The main difference is more, smaller tines to minimize neps when combing those ultra fine fibers.
I am thinking about using them on an order I am working on for cat hair blended with silk. I'll let you know how that goes once mine come in.
I have the Extra Fine combs as well as the Extra fine comb system on order and am expecting them to arrive here on the farm at the end of November.
The comb system includes a comb holder, base, clamp, diz and diz hook. If you already have a comb system, you can use the extras with your new extra fine combs.