1 oz Soft Shetland Pin Drafted Roving - Fawn 2024

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  • $7.00
  • Regular price $8.50
  • 8 available
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This listing is for one ounce of pin drafted roving. The wool comes from a pool of various sheep on our farm who have fawn colored wool.  These sheep include all of the fawn rams, I don't like to process ram wool by hand so it gets processed at the mill.  Also includes wool from any of the more senior ewes in the flock as well as good quality skirtings from the very fine fleeces. 

This is the natural color of the sheep, no dyes are used to create the color.

We breed for very fine shetland sheep, micron count around 20 - 25.  This fiber feels very fine and bouncy.  I am unable to provide accurate micron information as it comes from a pooling of a variety of sheep.

This has more texture and vm than our combed top.  We wanted to try a new processing method.  I have been enjoying spinning this long draw for a nice woolen yarn with texture.